More and more companies are outsourcing functions that were once performed by internal employees. As a result the consulting industry is exploding like never before. So why does a company that is more than willing to pay a Human Resources consulting firm to handle its recruiting and other HR functions so unwilling to hire logo design consultants? Perhaps the answer lies in the availability of the technology to do it. Even the most basic Desktop Publishing program includes a sufficient number of features you would need to design your own logo. Or perhaps some small business owners just simply feel the need to exercise their creative juices. Or perhaps it is all a matter of cost. Search the Internet and you'll find a variety of online businesses offer a full line of logo design services.
If you're still not convinced, think of the best logos you've ever seen. Federal Express, Apple Computer, Nike Shoes, McDonald's Hamburgers, Pepsi Cola, Cocoa Cola, and NBC (National Broadcasting Company) all had their logos designed by professional design consultants. In addition, most logos go through a renovation process from time to time and the best of these "rehabs" are also produced by professional design consultants.
Advantages of Professional Logo Design Services
The purpose of a logo is to convey the essence of a company to its existing and potential customers. So if you're in a high tech business, do you want colors and what combinations of color convey high tech expertise? Professional Design Consultants do.
If you're in the financial services industry do you know what kinds of font styles and sizes convey stability and security? Professional logo designers do.
Have you and other key members of your business team ever sat down and actually thought through the nature of your core business and customers? Have you given thought to the kinds of customers you might have or are you too busy fighting daily fires? Good professional logo designers know how to sit down with you and tease out the essential nature of your business. They can help you identify the kinds of feelings you want to evoke from your customers.
Essential Business Logos
Logos are an essential part of the success of any business. They are found on all forms of a company's communication, from letterhead and marketing and advertising materials to promotional items. And they are not "forever." Many experts in the field of logo design feel the average life span of a well designed logo is about ten years. And this of course, assumes no radical changes in the company's management or the core of its business. Companies in rapidly changing business environments might consider renovating their existing logos more frequently. The impact of a logo renovation can be significant. Apple computer's logo used to have multiple layers of different colors. When Steve Jobs came back to Apple in the late 1990's he felt the logo wasn't functional enough. He knew to save the company he would have to introduce many new products and the multi-colored apple didn't work well. The current single color Apple has been reproduced in all sizes on a host of products, some of them very small. The renovation was done by a professional logo designer and it paid off.

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